The purpose of this blog is to arouse conversation on playing the pennies and subbers. Notice I didn't use the term "investing". Why? Because many, if not all, are highly speculative and go out of business on a regular basis. A lot of penny stocks are just shells, with the owner playing games with stock issuance and bailing out after they make a profit. Others may have good intentions but just can't get the ball rolling for a variety of reasons.

Location: Podunkville, Upstate NY

Sunday, May 28, 2006


This is what most newbies find and start out with...

And, where they stand to lose all their money! Maybe you just started reading "Playing the Penny Stock Market for Dummies", but can't wait to get started. You do a Google search, and find a bunch of great "investment" message boards. Note that I put investment in quotes. You'll realize why after reading a few of these posts.

You sign up and see all sorts of hot picks, recommendations, etc. Wow! This is just what I'm looking for, you think. So, you read the thread started by scamboy and are enthralled by his (or her, as the profile gives no info on this person) investment smarts. You also notice that there are a bunch of people that totally agree with him, claiming they bought a bunch of shares.

After reading this enlightened thread, you nervously buy a lot of shares of this sub-penny stock from your broker and hope you score really BIG before your wife finds out. Most wives just don't understand how to make a killing in the market, do they? Well, you do, now that you are armed with some really good information.

Your stock's PPS (Price Per Share) goes up slightly, and you all the followers of scamboy cheer loudly on the message board! Life is good! You are itching to tell your wife what an intelligent "investor" you are, but you hold back.

The next day you watch your beloved stock every minute, waiting for the PPS to hit $10 a share. But then it happens - it starts sinking. And sinking. You can't stomach watching this sure-thing go south, so you go and play an XBox game or go back to work.

Your friends on the message board tell you and everyone else to "hold on, don't sell your shares", and "this is a good time to buy more now that the PPS is really low!". So you follow their advice and hold. After a few weeks or months, your stock is virtually worthless. More bad news: your wife found out about it and now you are really in trouble. Life stinks.

What happened? How could these guys be wrong? Maybe it will come back. God, I hope so!

The next post will explore what may have happened, as there are a LOT of variables involved in playing the pennies, most of which are criminal. Stay tuned.


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