The purpose of this blog is to arouse conversation on playing the pennies and subbers. Notice I didn't use the term "investing". Why? Because many, if not all, are highly speculative and go out of business on a regular basis. A lot of penny stocks are just shells, with the owner playing games with stock issuance and bailing out after they make a profit. Others may have good intentions but just can't get the ball rolling for a variety of reasons.

Location: Podunkville, Upstate NY

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Let's Have Some Fun and Get Educated on Pennies

Pennies and Subbers (sub-penny stocks)...

The purpose of this blog is to arouse conversation on playing the pennies and subbers. Notice I didn't use the term "investing". Why?

Because many, if not all, are highly speculative and go out of business on a regular basis. A lot of penny stocks are just shells, with the owner playing games with stock issuance and bailing out after they make a profit. Others may have good intentions but just can't get the ball rolling for a variety of reasons.

Regardless, you can make money by understanding how the game is played. My hope is that this blog will generate good discussions on various aspects of this extremely speculative stock market.

Feel free to post your thoughts, but some ground rules do apply:
  • no pumping stocks on this blog
  • no flame wars with other posters
  • no foul language or profanity
I will remove any posts that violate the above. Keep it civil and offer some good advice or questions.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great articles on Penny Share scams. You are, of course, absolutely right about the Pump and Dump operators. It's just a shame that number of real companies who are trying hard to make a go of things unwittingly get caught up in these scams.

The words about the wife finding out are spot on!!!

6/06/2006 12:53 PM  

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